Test: Factorisation I - Normal

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Question 1:   Factorise: 2a+2
2( a+1 )
Question 2:   Factorise: 4b+12
3( b+4 )
4( b+3 )
Question 3:   Factorise: 3x+9y
3( x+y )
12( x+y )
3( 3y+x )
Question 4:   Factorise: 5a+15ab
5a( 3b+1 )
3a( 5b+1 )
3 a 2 b
20 a 2 b
Question 5:   Factorise: 3 a 2 +4a
7 a 3
7 a 2 +a
a( 3a+4 )
a( 7a+1 )
Question 6:   Factorise: 12 a 2 +144a
12a( a+12 )
156 a 3
8a( a+18 )
a( 12a+144 )
Question 7:   Factorise: 7 x 3 +14 x 2
14x( x+1 )
x( 7x+2 )
21 x 5
7 x 2 ( x+2 )
Question 8:   Factorise: 3 a 3 b 2 +6 a 2 b+12ab
ab( 3 a 2 b+6a+12 )
3ab( a 2 b+2a+4 )
21 a 6 b 4
3 a 2 b( ab+4a+2 )
Question 9:   Factorise: 4x+12z32y
6( 2z6y+x )
4( x+4z8y )
4( x+3z8y )
3( x+4z9y )
Question 10:   Factorise: x 2 +3x+2
5x( x+1 )
( x+1 )( x+2 )
Cannot be factored
( x+1 )( x1 )