Test: Triangles - Challenging

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Question 1:   Find α

α= 75
α= 90
α= 60
α= 80
Question 2:   Find the height of a triangle where a=6cm

3 2
3 3
Question 3:   Find the area:

17.5c m 2
25c m 2
20c m 2
22.5c m 2
Question 4:   Which set of numbers is the side lengths of a triangle?
2 3 ,3 2 , 7
2, 5 ,5
2 ,2 2 ,3 2
3 , 5 ,5
Question 5:   Which set of numbers forms a right-angled triangle?
3 5 ,2 5 ,5
2 10 ,3 3 ,3
2 7 ,2 6 , 5
3 2 ,2 3 ,2 2
Question 6:   Which set of numbers forms a right-angled triangle?
7,5,3 2
4 2 ,3 3 ,2 14
2 15 ,6,2 7
8,2 10 ,2 6
Question 7:   What is a side length of an equilateral triangle with the height equal to 3 cm
2 3 cm
6 cm
Question 8:   Find the perimeter of a square where the diagonal is equal to 5 6 cm
20 3 cm
40 3 cm
Question 9:   Find the area of a trapezium:

44c m 2
50c m 2
55c m 2
40c m 2
Question 10:   Find the area of an inscribed triangle, where the radius of a circle is equal to 8cm

36c m 2
81c m 2
60 3 c m 2
64c m 2