Test: 3D Shapes - Normal

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Question 1:   Calculate the volume of a cuboid, if sides   a=5cm   and   b=2cm   and height   h=3cm
22c m 3
30c m 3
24c m 3
40c m 3
Question 2:   Calculate the area of a cube with side   a=4
90c m 2
96c m 2
16c m 2
80c m 2
Question 3:   Calculate volume of a sphere with radius   r=3c m 3
24πc m 3
36πc m 3
36c m 3
42πc m 3
Question 4:   Calculate volume of a cylinder, if height   h=8cm   and area of the base is   S=15c m 2 .
60c m 3
12c m 3
130c m 3
120c m 3
Question 5:   In the cube   ABCDEFGH   area of the face   ABFE   is equal to   25c m 2 ,  length of the side AD   equals   5cm  .  Calculate the volume.
145c m 3
105c m 3
125c m 3
130c m 3
Question 6:   Find a radius of a sphere if the volume is   972πc m 3
8 3 cm
13 3 cm
Question 7:   In a tetrahedron a side of the triangle, that is a base of the tetrahedron is   b=3cm .  Apothem of the pyramid is   a=8cm .  Find a square of the facet of the pyramid.
36c m 2
30c m 2
42c m 2
20c m 2
Question 8:   Projection of the segment   AB   on the X axis:   A x B x =5 ,  on the Y axis:   A y B y =3 ,  on the Z axis:   A z B z =2 ,  find the segment  AB .
Question 9:   Projection of the segment   AB   on the X axis:   A x B x =8 ,  on the Y axis:   A y B y =1 ,  on the Z axis:   A z B z =3 ,  find the segment   AB .
Question 10:   Calculate the volume of the pyramid, with the height   h=4cm ,  and area of the base   S=12c m 2
18c m 3
14c m 3
16c m 3
20c m 3